
  1. LoreWalker

    Incubator - thermometer hygrometer way off?

    So, after nog yielding an single developing egg from my first try at hatching chicks in an incubator, I decided to test my incubator's hygrometer and thermometer. I also bought a 2nd thermometer/hygrometer, intended for use in terrariums, to use alongside the ones built-in in my incubator. More...
  2. Incubating and Hatching Chicken Eggs aka HATCHING 101

    Incubating and Hatching Chicken Eggs aka HATCHING 101

    Incubation Notes, Images, Videos & Links Expected Hatch Rate Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched, or even after for that matter! Shipped eggs have a MUCH lower hatch rate. The percent hatchability in the commercial poultry industry ranges from 78-88%. Shipped Eggs = Change Of...
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