cayuga duck breeding

  1. Spring Fleet Chickens

    Cayuga Feeding plan

    So we have a small flock of Cayugas, they are our breeder birds and I have been feeding Kalmbachs Duck & Goose. They seemed to do well on it till I switch over to the 20% Full Plume (for chickens in molt) and they have thrived on it. However I do wonder if I should change it back to a more...
  2. Greystone farm

    Duck breeding

    Hello and good morning! Today, I have a bunch of questions about breeding ducks. As some of you might know, I have 3 female ducks and a drake, and am expecting ducklings sometime in the future. Problem is, I don't know a thing about hatching or raising duckings! I need some help ASAP. Here are...
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