chicken 6/7 months

  1. ChickaChickaChooCho000

    My Pullets are nearly 7 months old and haven’t begun laying yet, weather or diet maybe?

    Heyo hope everyone’s doing well. Just curious as to why my 3 pullets and also other pullets from the flock haven’t been laying at all but they’ve already reached 6-7 months old? Understandably my older hens have taken a break especially due to cold weather lately and just overall egg productive...
  2. I

    What do I do with my chicken having a broken foot/toe?

    I'm not sure what to do but my 6/7 month old pullet or hen has a broken foot/toe by one of the roosters trying to get on her (because of mating..) and I need some help. I have no idea what do and she is being picked on. Her name is Snow and she is a Buff Orpington.
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