chicken unable to walk

  1. Chickadee00

    Paralysed hen please help

    My little sebright (1y) suddenly couldn't walk anymore when I found her in the morning 2 days ago.. I first thought she was eggbound, gave her a bath, calcium etc nothing helped so we went to a vet for chickens who did an xray. Nothing out of order, nothing broken so the vet said it's...
  2. marissa98

    Possible Vent Gleet or Other Issue-Chicken Can't Walk!

    On Sunday evening, we found one of our hens under the nesting boxes. She was sitting with her legs out in front of her. We pulled her out and gave her water to drink and she gulped it down. We assumed she was just majorly dehydrated which was preventing her from being able to use her legs. After...
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