chicken with bumble foot

  1. D

    Help unknown sickness/injury

    We have a year old Black Australop mix hen a week ago she was falling over, her neck was flopping over to the left and she couldn't hold her head up. One of her ear lobes is red the other is shabby and unhealthy looking. I can't tell if she has bumblefoot or if she just has weird feet. I don't...
  2. Silkiesaz

    Treating Bumble Foot, what else can I do?

    Hi all, I have a Rhode Island Red hen who has bumble foot. I was sick and hadn't been out to check on them for a few days. Her foot is swollen to twice the size it normally is. I found what I believe is the scab. I have never treated bumble foot before but I have read a lot about it. I am going...
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