
  1. B_o

    Suspicious chick!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP!!

    I recently got 5 chicks but one passed away and im not sure why she was my first chick that passed away in my flock. I got 2 more chicks yesterday and this morning one of them is acting a little bit how the deceased one is, lethargic, still laying down from sleep away from the rest of the...
  2. Chicken-Maniac

    What Do I Do?

    Hi, there! My family and I are thinking about hatching our own chickies! But the question is, how? We already have a Brinsea incubator (and the option to let our hens hatch them in a separate little coop area) and some chick starter. What else do I need? Should I hatch them or would it be...
  3. AMaggio

    How hot is too hot

    Hi all, first time hatching eggs, we're doing it naturally under some hens. They're just now starting to hatch but the heat index is in the 106 with humidity and we're worried it's too hot. They have food and cold water but im debating bringing them in so i thought I'd reach out and ask. How hot...
  4. Hoodie1984

    Hello all!

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? 8 years ago. I stopped when I left an abusive relationship and just started back up. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 10 babies (3) What breeds do you have? Black australorpes, cochins, Black sex links, barred rocks...
  5. Jay Elle Bee

    Hey! Hi! Hello!

    Heya! I'm Jess; I live in Indianapolis; and my mum's doing the backyard farm thing in Falls of Rough, Kentucky. What?? You don't know where that is? No worries! The first time my dad drove me down here, I commented that it's about 20 minutes past all the good "murder you and chop up your body"...
  6. BarredRockMommy

    Calling all Lakenvelders!

    Welcome to everything Lakenvelder! Feel free to talk about anything Lakenvelder related! Pictures are greatly appreciated! Let's get started! This is my angel, Road Runner! Yes, like Wiley Coyote TV show! She is our most flighty bird. Yes its a she and she has spurs. She's my special little...
  7. cluckmecoop7

    Chick thread!

    This thread is for anyone who has chicks! I saw one about duckings so why not a chick thread? Here you can post pictures and/or stories of your babies and have lots of fun! Also, if your chicks are chickens now, thats fine. If you still have pictures of when they were young or remember stories...
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