chicks hens

  1. N

    We have eggs hatching in the incubator as well as under the hen. Do we put them together?

    We had a broody hen and found the best way to break her was to let her hatch some of the eggs we had in our incubator. Now we’ve come across a new problem! Do I remove the chick she hatched from under her and put in my brooder with my other chick that hatched from the incubator? Do I put the...
  2. unbaked pegga

    New chickens

    I have 3 orpington hens 3 years old. Big girls. They free range. The first of March I got 2 each of speckled Sussex and Australorps-4 weeks old. I have been keeping them in kennels in the garage until they get big enough to run with the big girls. But sheesh it doesn't seem like they will ever...
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