crop injury

  1. Tiffaschickens

    Dog attack, torn crop!

    I have a broody hen, she hatched 4 babies and i had her separated from the coop because the hens are pretty aggressive and attacked my last broody and ruined her clutch. While she was in my yard, some neighbors dogs came over and mauled her pretty bad. She came back but her neck was...
  2. CanadaEh

    Impacted crop or crop injuries? Not eating for 3 weeks.

    We have had bobcat attack killing 11 out of 12 our chickens, and messing up one that I thought would not make it, but now almost 3 weeks later she is still alive and doing better in a cardboard box in the garage, but not eating at all. Initially she was not able to stand on her feet, and her...
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