
  1. H

    Feathers curling?

    My O Shamo rooster is going through his first molt, 5 to 6 months old, and some of the feathers are curled. Most are normal but if something is wrong I want to catch it right away. He is on a 17% all flock pellet feed. Pictures attached. Pics of full body so you see how most of his feathers look
  2. FlockingFantastic

    Drake or hen :)

    I want to know what you all think... we call her Betty, but I’m thinking she’s a Billy or Bobby! Haha.. thank you!! :)
  3. Keely Noodle

    My FEMALE duck has grown a MALE tail curl!

    As the title says, my female duck has just grown a curly tail feather like all drakes have! I know that she is female because of her deep quack and most of all I have seen her lay an egg with my own eyes. When it first began growing I thought maybe it was just an out of place feather but today...
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