defence against coyotes

  1. nasber32

    Coyotes on the Rise

    Hey all, a "brief" backstory. I'm from Canada, specifically Ontario. My area is relatively urban, with small wooded areas and large fields nearby. So I do not have to worry about a lot of predators besides Turkey Vultures and Racoons (All of which I have taken proper measures for). However...
  2. DuckMama9

    Protecting Pasture Chickens from Coyotes, Owls and Hawks

    I just started a new job at a local pasture raised chicken farm. Our mission at Alcove Farms is to sow, grow, and restore. We pasture raise cattle and about 3,000 organically fed laying hens on 160 acres. We sell our eggs at the local grocery stores and farmer’s markets. We have been having...
  3. filmcmahon

    Silkie vs coyote?

    hey everyone! my family and i have a flock of 6- three columbian rocks, 2 barred rocks, and a blue smooth silkie. we originally did have three silkies, but one was a rooster and bothered our neighbours- which sucks because he was a beautiful cuckoo smooth! anyways we lost our black frizzle to...
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