duckling imprinting

  1. Z

    How do I make my ducks imprint on me?

    Hi, I’ve recently got 5 pekin ducklings that are a week old now and I’ve had them for 6 days and they’re still scared of me and run away or panic and scream when I hold them. I had them incubated so when they hatched they would’ve seen another human and known to imprint on humans. Any tips on...
  2. R

    My 6 week old ducklings...imprinting issues..?

    Hello! I have two 6 week old ducklings (Pekin) whome I have had since day 3 after hatching. They 100% imprinted on me and followed me everywhere, would get upset when I would leave the room, would cuddle with me, sleep on me etc... They have now transitioned to living in the backyard in their...
  3. L

    Advice on dealing with duckling born via incubator 5-6 days after other ducklings hatched by momma duck on nest

    Last year by husband and I found eggs in our yard which we were able to incubate and raise successfully and have 2 great pets -- a male and female mallards (she may be a rouen because she is HUGE!). In any case she laid 23 eggs this year and 8 of them hatched without any intervention by us and...
  4. D

    Baby duck imprinting tips needed...

    How do I get my newly hatched babies to imprint on me?
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