excessively drinking water

  1. BMONoire

    Water loving chick

    I have a 2 month old Rockette chick who was very lethargic today and I placed her near her water and food and she drank for a very long time then when I checked on her a few minutes later she was laying on her side at the other end of the coop. She got up and was a little wobbly but then went...
  2. Qquails899

    Water coming out of beak

    My quail is drinking a crazy amount of water and eating less. She's been doing this for a long time but now I see that water is coming out of her beak more often. She shakes her head before that. What can I do to stop this?
  3. Qquails899

    Quail drinking a lot of water

    I just dewormed my quails and now one of them is acting very weird. She is more active than before, but she drinks a lot of water and her droppings are very watery. I also saw water coming out of her beak a few times. She has been like this for like 5 days and I don't know what to do. Please help!
  4. Bekalodon

    Hen drinking excessively, not eating

    This morning at chicken wakeup, my 2 1/2 year old Barred Rock hen went straight to the water and wouldn't stop drinking. I tried to encourage her to eat feed, but she showed no interest. She did eat some birdseed though. I have not seen her poop this morning but my mom, who cleaned the coop...
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