
  1. bubblez89

    Sex change!??

    We have 3 little bantams hens in our small flock Hetty (golden Sebright 3.5 years old), Nugget (old english game bantam 3.5 years old) and Popcorn (silver Sebright 2.5 years old). Our hens are super friendly, love cuddles and squat for us and the pet dogs lol. We never hatched them for great egg...
  2. CaliFarmsAR

    ~~~Muscovy Duck Club~~~

    I have seen a lot of duck clubs, but none on this awesome looking duck!! Who doesn’t like Muscovys? I thought I would start one, that way we can learn from others, share pictures, storys, etc. How I got into to them: I have just recently got into this breed and love them already. I was...
  3. TheChiggens

    A Big Cycle

    Howdy! So recently I have grown interested In managing the flock by hatching eggs every time a birds dies. replenishing the flock. Basically a giant family/life cycle. Obsiosly trying each time to select the birds expressing traits I like. Anyone tried this? What was your experience?
  4. WallyBirdie

    Hatching Versus Purchasing

    I wasn't sure if this went with Hatching or Raising chicks, so please bear with me if this thread is wrongly placed. My turkens have never successfully hatched eggs before, so any addition to the flock was purchased as day-old chicks. My girl was broody and my roo was rather twitterpated this...
  5. rascal66

    Eagle experiences

    Today I'm sad to say I've had my first Eagle attack. It killed one of my laying Brahmas... I heard commotion outside and when I got there, it was too late. It already killed and ripped through the carcass. So with my loss now, I'm scared to allow the chickens to continue free ranging for a...
  6. Age-of-Goositude

    Wet Pox

    I experienced wet Pox last summer it was tragic. I looked it up and there is literally no cure but to try to boost their immune system. I thought it was canker at first but there was yellow balls of plaque strewn down yhe back of their throat and chunks growing in their air holes. We pulled the...
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