fighting chickens

  1. E

    Help! Chicken fighting

    I'm a first time chicken owner with 4 chickens in a 1/2 acre suburban yard. They're about a year old and have co-existed peacefully until now. In the last few weeks one of my Buff Orpington's pecked a big patch of feathers out of the other Buff's back. We pulled her out and isolated her for a...
  2. C

    Two roosters

    I have two roosters their still both young but one is older then the other my younger one is a Turkin. The older one is styling the young turkin and is injuring the turkin he has a sore on his neck. I have put blinders on the bigger one but he is still getting to him and hurting him. I’m not...
  3. C

    My 2 chickens/roosters are fighting.

    I have two chickens right now. 6 and a half weeks old. One of them is a rooster, but the other one is smaller and has a shorter crown. For the past 2 weeks, they have been fighting (fluffing themselves up, raising their neck feathers and lifting their heads higher than the other), but 1 week ago...
  4. NubbyRyuu

    Keeping the Peace

    I had posted this on facebook, and once again, I have no answers. I'm losing more faith with that Silkie Group. Hopefully here, I can find an answer. "Just recently, my 6mo Rooster, Ash, suddenly list a toe nail. I took him to the vet twice (emergency and checkup), and finally his quick has...
  5. amynw

    New adopted chicken

    Hello everyone. I seem to always have my hands full with caring/fostering animals. This time, I've adopted one. She was a victim of a coop attack and her sisters were all killed, she only made it by somehow getting out in the midst of the chaos and she was on their porch when they arrived home...
  6. BokBokChicky

    2 momma hens, 10 chicks.

    We let 2 of our hens sit on 13 eggs, 10 hatched, and 1 very angry hen. A few days after their eggs hatched, our silkie, decided that she wanted to be a single mom, and not co-mom with our wyandotte-silkie. (Ws) So our silkie has nonstop fights with the ws, pulling her hair and jumping all over...
  7. C

    Silkies fighting! Help!

    Hello everyone! I am new here and in desperate need of some help . I have four chickens that make up my backyard flock. 2 Brown hens (which I raised from 3 weeks) and 2 silkies (which I’ve raised since they were 1 week old.) When I bought the silkies I contacted the seller and reserved two hens...
  8. Jamiebertone

    Trouble in Paradise- Rooster Edition

    Question- I have had an English Orpington (so big) rooster with a silkie rooster (but a sassy one) and five large hens (eng orps and brahmas) free ranging for 4-5 months now. They’ve been fabulous and we’ve had zero issues. The silkie was about 7 months old when we introduced them and the eng...
  9. R

    Chicken problems

    This is a complex one, I ended up adding 2 new hens to my flock. Introduced gradually but after a few days of all being together in the coop I noticed my black hen “Chevy” being attacked by the two new hens plus sometimes others joined in. I expected some fighting but they are being bullies and...
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