flock ratio

  1. KindVonDerMond

    How Can I Mix Breeds?

    We are planning on getting chicks in the Spring, and everyone wants to pick out their own hen. Can we have a flock with all different breeds without running into any problems? All hens will be large fowl and we won't have Silkies or Polish's.
  2. goreybabe

    Trying to manage randy younger roos

    Hi all, This spring we added to our flock, integrating newbies quite nicely. We planned to add a second roo and a bunch of girls. However, as the pullets grew, it became apparent that several of our "pullets" were actually cockerels. Last year started with 9 hens, 1 roo; This year added 8 hens...
  3. maximom229

    flock ratio of drakes to hens

    Hi I have 14 18-week old Khaki Campbell hens and 2 drakes. I had 30 until 2 weeks ago but most of the boys were processed as the ducks are primarily for eggs for us. Now one drake is being aggressive to the other drake, not wanting him near the girls or food and even biting him while he's...
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