fun chicks

  1. M

    Barnyard mix chicks 8 weeks old

    I’m curious on what you all think the breed and sex of these chicks may be. They are barnyard mixes that my broody hen hatched from a local farmer. They are currently 8.5 weeks old. I think at least two are cockerels. One is for sure a cockerel. He just started trying to crow. Strangest sound...
  2. FiftyCentChick

    Who wants to share their chicks awkward teen phase?

    I think the little awkward teen phase is actually pretty cute and exciting. Is it a boy or girl? Is it the breed you thought it was? Who knows, but they are pretty cute and silly. If you want, please share your awkward teen phase chicks pictures and maybe take a guess at what they are. No...
  3. MysteryChicken

    If Baby Chicks Took Selfies🐥📱📸

    In this fun thread we post silly chick pics, in the way we might think a chick taking it's own selfie would look like.😁
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