give away

  1. G


    Hey there, I have come across 2 baby chicks 2 weeks ago and they are growing to the point where it is difficult to take care of them properly. I have them in a brooder for now but not sure what to do with them once fully grown. I am a college student with a lack of a backyard and not sure where...
  2. U

    Need to find a home for roosters in South Florida

    Hello, I need to find a home for 5 roosters in South Florida. My parents live in the Hollywood, FL area cannot take care of them anymore. Does anyone know where we could take them for them to live a happy life? Any advice would be great! Thank you!
  3. IteachKinder

    Baby Chicks in Los Angeles Area - Free

    They should hatch tomorrow. We have 53 eggs and we can't keep them at school after Friday. We will gladly give them away to anyone who wants them. They came from two different farms - one in Corona and the other in Mariposa.
  4. M

    Need Help!! 2 Lavender Ameracuana cockrels Need Home asap, Help!!

    So I farmed back in the day and cockrels were not a problem but being In City they are, but I am in Boise, ID area and I need some help asap to have someone take these Cockerels that are told they are males, and I grew them from eggs to 16 weeks and they are currently 16 going on 17 weeks but...
  5. H

    ISO a Hen....

    Hello All, I am not new to this site but it's been a few years since I was here; had to re-register. I live in the Security-Widefield area, in an unincorporated part of El Paso County, which is a suburb of Colorado Springs, Colorado. Anyway, within the past 2 weeks my small flock of 8 was...
  6. Georgeschicks

    giving away a chicken

    Hi! I have had bullying problems for a while now and my family and I have decided that it’s time that we give two of our chickens away before they get worse. They are two austrolorpes and they are great layers. They are one and a half years old. I was wondering where I should post to try to give...
  7. Rondack

    Pilgrim goslings?

    Does anyone have any pilgrim goslings to give / sell?
  8. J

    good natured 5-month rooster needs a home

    Hi. We have a good-natured 5-month rooster who needs a home. We live on Long Island, NY. We hatched / raised him from an egg...but he is too noisy for our neighborhood. Please let us know if you would like him for your brood. (We traded our 2 other roosters...but would be willing to just...
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