gosling injury

  1. S

    Gosling with possible fractured or broken hip/leg?

    My little gander, Forest (Gump), 3 weeks old decided to not wait for me to let him out of the brooder and jumped out, landing on his side, assuming (I was getting another gosling and didn't see). It's about at least a 3ft drop. I heard him cry and the next thing I see is him hoping on one leg to...
  2. S

    URGENT gosling fell out of my arms and landed hard on side is now breathing hard

    My gosling fell out of my arms while carrying her to the brooder (due to her struggling), landed on her side, and is now panting and making this odd sound. She struggled to flip over but once she did she walked it off. I finally got her in but I don't know if she broke something and we don't...
  3. ElGoose

    Gosling not walking again :^( what do I do

    This is the same gosling who couldn’t walk last time - I saw in the cameras that a magpie tried to get him and assumed he was in shock but it’s happened again today! Is it possibly a slipped tendon? I’ve seen that’s quite common in goslings apparently but I’m not sure how to treat it :^(
  4. ElGoose

    Gosling can’t walk suddenly

    Really worried as I came outside to check on the goslings only to see that one of them can’t walk. It seems to be one foot that it can’t fully stand on, I’ve checked it all over and I can’t see any injury and he doesn’t flail or act in pain when I touch or move any part of it and it all seems to...
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