
  1. WannaBeHillBilly

    Guess what season it is in the Northern Hemisphere?! - Its FODDER Season! 🍀

    What is fodder and what is it good for? Fodder is the process of germinating seeds and feeding the resulting sprouts (and remaining seeds) to your animals. By feeding the sprouts to the animals the animals will benefit from both the seed's energy and the plant's energy. They will also enjoy...
  2. brb5

    What to buy for fodder?

    hi all i was wondering what is the best grains to buy to sprout for fodder for chickens? I know most people say whole wheat and barley did any one experiment with other things besides these and how did your chickens like it?
  3. CanadaEh

    sprouting grains is pointless unless for greens?

    It appears that if I have access to other greens for chickens during the winter time, I should not grow fodder from grains as it results in a net loss of nutritional value of the feed? And better nutrients availability and savings on feed is a gimmick? complete article at University of...
  4. CanadaEh

    Frugal feeding and social justice

    I was looking for info on acorns and found this interesting spin on feeding your chickens frugally vs purchased grains/feed. Basically by feeding them less or none of purchased grains or feed, and by not purchasing any eggs from chickens fed commercial grains/feed, you are refusing to put your...
  5. foolishcop

    Feed v. Vegetables

    Because a local fruit & vegetable store throws out tons of castoffs every day, I have daily access to an unlimited supply of fresh vegetable scraps. Is it okay to allow them to simply eat this supply, which they happen to love, or do they need to be supplemented with commercial feed? Currently...
  6. S

    Curious about Protein levels

    Hey poultry folk! I was just thinking about how different feeds have different protein levels (starter is 18-19%, grower is 14-15%, and layer is 16-17%). Does anyone know what the difference is between the feeds that some have higher protein than others? Is it more of certain types of grains, or...
  7. EverythingButTheSink

    Sprouting Grains Blog

    Check out my article on Sprouting Grains! Any insight or additional knowledge from people that have tried other grains than wheat? Anyone have their own set up they'd like to share?
  8. Cornish Caveman

    Will whole grain harm chicks

    Hi everyone. I have just had my first natural hatch and the chick is happily running after mum and looks healthy, except, it has obviously been eating mums corn as well as the chick crumb set out for it and now it's crop is full of corn. Will it be able to digest it or will it cause the chick...
  9. S

    I need help with my sprouts

    I am having so much trouble growing my barley sprouts. The last batch I did they dried out too often too forever to grow. I'm trying to get about 3 inches of green before feeding to my gals. I finally fed it to them after about 1.5 weeks because I was worried waiting too long would make it...
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