
  1. C

    What is killing my chickens? Help!

    Hey everyone, I lost a 22 week old pullet to I don’t know what. From noticing her initial symptoms to day of death, it was 7 days. Their feed is organic. Their water gets replaced twice a day because it’s so hot, I have to replenish with cooler water. I HAD 7 chickens, I now have 6. Only 1 is...
  2. dinochickens123

    Reddy is sick!

    My Rhode Island Red seems sick. She is usually boisterous, but in the last week seems lethargic and waddles. Her tail is drooping. She usually is excited to graze outside, but today she just hunched in the coop. She eats fine, though. Her poop is green and foamy, but that may be because of...
  3. SizzleQueen

    Dead Cochin / Runny green poo

    I'm at a complete loss for one of my hens today. Perfectly healthy beautiful girl and happened to be my favorite... yesterday she was fine and active and sweet as ever, this morning when I went to let them out I noticed she was laying down (I thought she was laying her first egg) but I noticed...
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