guinea fowl care

  1. ScratchScratchPeck

    1 month old keet cant move legs!?

    I keep 5 keets with 7 chicks in their own 3'x3'x2' wired run. All 1 month old. They sleep on the grass piled up, and in the morning I move their run to fresh grass. Always refreshing the water and giving ample feed. It's been rainy these past few weeks, with scattered showers then very warm...
  2. Emk806

    Guinea fowl research!!

    Hello all, I’m currently researching how to keep and care for guinea fowl and would love some advice. I have read a few articles posted here but I’m having a hard time figure out how to keep them. Can they be kept with chickens? If not can they at least be nice from afar? Ive read that they...
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