
  1. A


    Hi, I have a chicken that was recently attacked by a coyote a few weeks ago. Shortly after the attack I noticed them limping and a minor lump forming on their leg. I didn’t think much of it until recently the lump started to get very large and she could barely stand on her foot. I’ve given her...
  2. Tmartin7711

    PLEASE HELP! hen injured leg

    Hi everyone! My lavender Orpington Spring hurt her leg on the right side. Not quite sure how she did it but she's limping and she is holding it up up to her body. Not sure what treatments to give her it's not broken to my knowledge but very warm. She is getting around and making noise But last...
  3. A

    3am Wake Up Call

    Hey everyone...3am had me outside in my bathrobe cuz one of my chickens was making this god awful dying noise. Found her sitting outside the coop in the snow and both her feet were bleeding! I managed to coax her back inside the coop and when I did all the birds (6 total, I have a teeny flock)...
  4. MysticCreekFarm


    I am almost positive I have at least 1 duck affected by aspergillus. I noticed her panting heavily and another panting slightly. Some things I've noticed: She stopped panting and is now a bit lethargic and definitely quiet. My last bag of shavings was damp when I opened it. I tried deep litter...
  5. P

    Wounded chicken from fox attack

    I had a hen get snatched by a fox yesterday evening around 6pm and drug into the woods. By 8pm she was running into the side of the pen wanting in...she escaped the fox! We let her in and locked her up. When i let her out today I noticed she had quite a few feathers missing, reached for her...
  6. P

    Help!! My cat got a baby cottontail

    I heard a baby cottontail screaming outside so I ran to go and grab it from my cats mouth, I've had her since last night and she is still breathing and alive. She hasn't moved since I got her.. I put her in my room in a tank with orchato grass Timothy hay pellets and shavings... She looks old...
  7. thessalonchick

    Mites meet new chicken mom

    Iam looking for advice when it comes to new ownership of chickens. I have polish hens as well and red layers . Iam seeking advice on mites/ prevention and treatment. As well as handy things to keep around the home in order to always be prepared.
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