
  1. T

    Ways to reduce heat in brooder?

    Hello all, I've got 7 new chicks that I moved to their brooder a couple hours ago. After a few minutes, they were all clustered in one corner. I thought it was because the lamp I have was too hot for them, so I raised it a little bit. This continued a few times and now they are still pretty...
  2. S

    Heating lamp and is it okay to turn off

    I am a new Chick owner. Really i only did this because my parents wanted to see if by chance we could actually hatch chicks. I have four Chicks now all a week old. The weather here has been in the 90s and the temperature inside is at 88. I have turned off the heat lamp during the day due to...
  3. 2

    Heating Lamp in winter?

    I currently have 21 chickens, all recently started layers. Their coop has three windows that stay closed when it’s cold. They have a run connecting to their coop too. I use pine shavings for bedding, but as winter approaches I feel they may need more heat than just the shavings. I live in...
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