hey everyone!

  1. Shugercube

    Hi y’all!

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I’m a proud new chicken owner! I’ve always wanted chickens, and we finally moved to where we’re allowed to own them. So of course I wasted no time! Lol (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 8! (3) What breeds do you have...
  2. the_peanut_coop

    @the_peanut_coop's Road Trip to The UK (Our host... @PippinTheChicken!!!!)

    Hey Y'all!!!!!!!! Do y'all remember my previous two road trip threads?!?!? Been waiting anxiously for another one? Wait anxiously no longer! On this road trip, we'll be seeing @PippinTheChicken 's birds, And some brittish wildlife! Our van can time travel, so if you're busy, we'll come and...
  3. Puffles

    Hey chickens peeps!

    Hey everyone! :frow I joined BYC after lurking around for a while, and I’m so glad I made that choice! :D I live on a farm in Florida with over 23 chickens and poultry, 12 goats and sheep, 3 cows, 9 rabbits, and 5 horses. I also have 3 cats and 2 dogs :p Hoping I’ll recieve a buncha great info...
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