introduction new member

  1. C

    Introduction from West Canada

    Hello, I'm Mick, I'm a new chicken mom. A little backstory, I'm staying at my mom's acreage before I buy a house. She has a dog, I have two cats, and she's wanted chickens for a while but was apprehensive to figure it out by herself. Queue me, I've wanted to try chickens for a while too but...
  2. U


    Hi alll! I''m new I'd been reading this awesome website since 1 year ago, I never thinked I would join in this circunstances, I have bantam chicks since this year and what it was happines has become in tears and suffering, I did not knew how I attached I'd become to my chickens pet, I hope I can...
  3. Cmstonecypher

    Hello from Moyock!

    Hello everybody! I’m a first time chicken momma and my little flock is growing quickly. I have 5 goldens, 4 RIR, 3 Delawares, 2 sapphire gems, and 2 Wyandottes! All chicks between 1 & 2 weeks! They are active little cuties 🥰 I joined byc so I can be the best chicken mom I can be!!
  4. Tyranno-Chicken Rex


    Hi I’m from Massachusetts and I have 5 (down from 6, sadly) chickens. They are all Black Sex Links because I did some research and found that they are apparently weather-hardy chickens which is obviously important for this climate. This is my first time raising chickens and they’re about 8...
  5. sacredsycamorefarm


    Hello, and thank you for letting me join this wonderful community. I first started my chicken journey just wanting some eggs and cute feathery birds for our new one-acre backyard back in 2017. Now, we have a wonderful small goat and poultry farm with a dedicated LGD, and we couldn't be happier...
  6. McCluckster

    New Member!

    Hello there! I'm a new member, currently getting into raising my own chickens! Back when I was a kid I had lots of chickens, from rare mixes to blue and olive eggers. Ordered some Ebay Hatching Eggs on the 11th, looking to expand and get some even rarer breeds! Currently, I'm a proud chicken...
  7. J


    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I started getting them back in 2021, i would still consider myself new (2) How many chickens do you have right now? unfortunately right now, just two (3) What breeds do you have? Buff orpington and a barnyard mix, not sure what...
  8. Femerithian


    My family have raised chickens for awhile but this is the first time I'm taking lead on raising up a flock after the last of our old flock passed from old age I have 8 hens (hopefully) they are not yet full grown and still just small enough to hold with one hand (though for the 4 oldest and...
  9. R

    Idaho Country

    While my wife and I were away for a week in Hawaii, my father-in-law bought 15 chicks “for his grandson”. I thought, “what a nice grandpa.” We already had a small coop but it needed some TLC so I started researching and was quickly introduced to chicken math. I quickly learned that our little...
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