japanese quail hatcheries

  1. NinjaGamer2022

    Cinnamon Quail Breeders?

    I just found out about this coloration of quail today from southwestgamebirds website: https://www.southwestgamebirds.com/shop/hatching-eggs/cinnamon-hatching-eggs/ Does anyone know of other trustworthy places that also sell this coloration? I may add these to my pet collection in the future IF...
  2. NinjaGamer2022

    Best online coturnix quail breeders (that sell hatching eggs)? Jumbo? Celedon? Rare? etc.

    In the not too far future we plan to expand are quail meat (and my pet) quails but I'm curious, what are some trustworthy online breeders? We have bought from MyShire and are awaiting are order but we haven't bought from anyone else online. Thx,
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