killed by hen

  1. Mayonnaise83

    Could hen still be broody immediately after hatching and killing all of her chicks???

    I have a black copper marans who recently went broody for the first time so I gave her 6 eggs. She successfully hatched 5 of them and then the next day she killed them all. When I found them she was still sitting on the nest because there were still two eggs under her that were laid by other...
  2. MrsChickenTender

    *Hen killed one of her chicks... they ate it alive? GRAPHIC !!! PICTURES !!

    She hatched 4 already then this egg hatched this am and she has 4 more to go... well 4/5 hours later I find her and the other chicks EATING it alive while it screamed. They ate out the eyes, ears, and hollowed out her abdomen from the vent... I ended up having to kill it cause it was still...
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