
  1. H

    Incomplete lacing and spangling

    I'm curious about what spangling and lacing look like when they are heterozygous for any of the genes. So for example a spangled bird that is heterozygous db, or a laced bird that is heterozygous melanotic etc.
  2. Faerhii

    Preserving "lacing" in breeding

    Hey guys! I want to pick the brains of some of you all. :) I ordered eggs online through a supplier in AL and ultimately thanks to package handling I'm $250+ later and I have a single golden laced cochin chick. I'm working with USPS on the claim regarding handling issues, but that's neither...
  3. cstephens1987


    So my little flock is ranging in age from 4.5-5.5 weeks and I do believe I have spotted two, possibly three, roosters in the bunch. I'll post pictures and videos as they age for the next few weeks and let you guys tell me what you think (I'll keep my suspicions to myself for now). Also any help...
  4. orangesplash

    I want to buy these & need comments on the chicks please

    ive posted the link of the video of the 4 month old chicks... are the chicks fine? The lining/lacing etc. Ive always wanted to buy golden laced cochin and want expert comments on these please.
  5. StrivingForBetter

    Double Laced Silver Barnevelders

    My quad of DLS Barnevelders that I bought a few months ago are almost 19 weeks.. when should I be able to tell if they are cockerels or pullets? At what point/age do you cull for lacing? This breed is completely new for me. I know that with other laced breeds the older they are, the crisper...
  6. D

    Question about lacing in double laced barnevelders

    I bought some double silver laced barnevelders from someone, and the chicks are now over two months old. The person that I bought them from, said that the sub-adults she had on the side when I went to her house were unrelated to the ones I have now. Their lacing was screwed up, and it was like...
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