
  1. ScratchScratchPeck

    Lash Egg? Also possible Vent Gleet.

    My 4.5 year old leghorn hen has had white crusted butt, and clear liquid dripping out of her cloaca constantly. Poop used to be covered in slime but now it looks more normal. I've been treating her for vent gleet, as information about these specific symptoms seems limited. For the past 2 weeks...
  2. Wild-Turkey

    Severe Salpingitis, Possible Reproductive Cancer? (GRAPHIC NECROPSY PHOTOS)

    Our Salmon Faverolle hen (almost 3 years old) started showing symptoms of an issue a week ago. She stopped eating and drinking, started acting lethargic. She refused to get on the roost at night and acted uncomfortable if put up, but would stay on it. Noticed severe weight loss and head...
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