late development

  1. K

    Worried about my 6 week old chicken

    Hi everyone. I am new to the chicken world. So much to learn. I am worried about one of my chickens. She is smaller then the others, more skittish and her feathers are seem to be developing later then the rest. Plus they look curly or scraggly at the tips. I tried googling and all that comes up...
  2. AMoritz

    1st guinea hatch, 5 eggs are 10 days older!

    Hi, This is my first post here. I have 6 cinnamon Queen chicken hens, 2 guinea fowl males, and 2 guinea fowl hens. That being said I've had a broody cinnamon Queen sitting in a nest if eggs for awhile, so I decided to do my own batch of guinea eggs in my incubator. I put them in my incubator on...
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