
  1. M

    Breach hatching with leaking yellow fluid

    We have an egg hatching on the pointy end with yellow fluid leaking out. Day 25 hatch. It’s not peeping at the moment but it does seem to be breathing. Reoriented the egg to reduce chance of drowning. We’ll wait for now but I’d like whatever advice anyone has. Especially if the fluid does turn...
  2. TundraFang

    Zipping egg leaking

    So I have an egg that pipped yesterday and has now started zipping. I wasn't home when it started zipping but I came home to it lying in a pool of yellow liquid. It's still alive, I can see it breathing. Anyone know what happened?
  3. Potsmama

    leaking and lame PLS HELP

    My bird Carmella was totall good last night. Let her out this morning to roam and she was good. Just came back to me with swollen (hemroidish looking) vent and leaking a white fluid. Not quite like poop. She’s squaring and looking super uncomfortable. Is drinking water. Leaking clearing white...
  4. A

    Waterer question. Are chicks just messy?

    I have this cup/nipple drinker in with my 4 week old chicks. There is a clearly wetness in the bedding in front of it. I have brought it into the house twice, put it on a dry rag and watched at least an hour with no drips. But then again this happens again. Thoughts?
  5. B

    Water Leaking from Chicken Bumhole

    Prelude: I spent a good 5 minutes on Google asking "how do you spell Quoka" only to see furry little marsupials. I also googled "what do you call a chickens bumhole?" and got zero results except for a heap of stuff that is not related. So for some reason the internet is not going to help me...
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