mama duck

  1. P

    Will a broody mama duck and eggs be okay in snow?

    My khaki went broody yesterday and has been whole heartedly tending to her nest of eggs. However, we woke up this morning to two fresh inches of snow... in mid April (and we’ve had several colder nights before she started sitting on the eggs). Are the eggs under her still alive and well or is...
  2. Quacking ducks

    Ducklings choking!! What do I do?

    Hi I have a mama duck with five ducklings. I’m feeding them right now but all the ducklings got too much food and are choking. What should I do? Thank you.
  3. Maddog_photog

    Duck behavior

    Having heard from the internets that ducklings burrow into their mother’s plumage, my own Pekins have always nuzzled their wee lil bills into my plumage. I am currently holding my drake, Chowder, and he is doing this behavior as well as vibrating. Is this positive behavior for a happy and...
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