marek's vaccination

  1. Mayhaps Moss

    Two hens left- one sick with likely Marek's

    Apologies for the lengthy post. For the past three weeks, one of my two 3 year-old bantams has been sick. She has become lethargic, very skinny, and her comb has shrunk due to dehydration (but she is still drinking water). I took her to the vets a week ago, and she was prescribed some...
  2. filmcmahon

    how to prevent mareks in 7 month olds

    hello everyone. tomorrow evening we will be euthanzing Ellie because she cannot walk, is very sick and obviously has Marek’s. None of my hens (5 others) have been vaccinated and i really don’t want them to catch the disease. if anything, what can i do to prevent them from getting it? we are...
  3. Wonderling

    Pretty sure it's Marek's disease...

    Here a picture from last week of my handsome boy, Glasspoole: My almost-6th month old Australorp/Mystery-mix-breed cockerel (pictured above) seemed sore on one leg yesterday so we moved him into the small section on the coop so he could recover from what I assumed was a pulled muscle since I...
  4. hunthaven

    Marek's, revaccination, and sequestered chickens

    In the last two months, I have lost four vaccinated hens to Marek's Disease--verified by my state lab. I have a fifth hen who I pulled from the coop today and placed in isolation for observation. Since being overwhelmed by this onslaught of MD, I've done tons of reading and research, and I'm...
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