
  1. Corinne23

    Weird mold looking spots on beak

    So long story short I left my son and husband to tend to the ducks for the last month because I’ve been sick. Today I was feeling good and I went to check in them and I noticed my 3 Pekin hens have mold looking spots on their beaks 1 worse then the other 2. Is something wrong? Are the lacking a...
  2. P

    Barred Rick 1 yr old falling over

    Hey y’all, I need some old wives treatments for a barred rock that may have eaten moldy food and is not able to stand well. I’ve isolated her and given her food and water which she will eat a little of, but her tail is down and she is wobbly. I’ve been reading about fungal issues after eating...
  3. EmilyAlamano

    Is this mold on the chicken feed?

    I have been fermenting scratch and peck feed the past 4 months and am unsure if the white stuff on top of the feed is mold or is harmful to their health. It smells normal (like beer kind of, that fermented barley smell). Please see photos attached.
  4. Phyrestorm

    What's this in my feed?

    Went to feed the girls and found the feed looking like this.. can anyone tell me what happens to my feed? The deeper I go into the container the more of this dust like thing I find and sometimes even clumps of it. Any input would be greatly appreciated.
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