muscle mass lost

  1. AC56

    Boiled yolk like mass inside dead hen

    Hi all, I have noticed one of hens being unwell. Assumed egg bound. Made bath for her etc. But her belly was massive like a ball, she was panting and walking like duck. We gave another two days, but decided to put out of misery. Only two options in Internet are water belly or egg bound. None of...
  2. L

    Rooster limping and lost muscle mass on one leg-what to do

    Hi new to BYC, my 10 month old rooster has been limping and keeping pressure off his left leg/foot. I've checked for external wounds but can't find any and I'm not sure what's wrong with him. I felt his legs and noticed that he has lost muscle in the left leg while the right has more. He's a big...
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