pecked severely

  1. H

    Help! Failed Re-Integration into Flock, Hen Badly Hurt!

    Ok, so if anyone read my previous post a few months back one of my Leghorn hens wasn't feeling too well and I asked for advice and took her to the vet. She recuperated and was in better health at last and then came the real challenge: reintroducing her into the flock. It's been a back and...
  2. Skin Wounds: Healing with Honey and Sugar

    Skin Wounds: Healing with Honey and Sugar

    You're headed out to the chicken coop, ho-hum, just as you would any other day. As you catch sight of your flock, something is wrong. One of your birds is missing a large portion of feathers and skin. The coop is dirty, chicken poop is everywhere, and the injured chicken may already have dirt...
  3. AnotherMeOhMy

    Severely broken leg on juvenile turkey

    This turkey is only being treated homeopathic style. She has survived since Oct 29th, so about 2 weeks. Owner tjought she was goung to die but said if I wanted to try and nurse her back to health I could try. So I have. Can so.eine tell me at what point do I allow her back out with the flock...
  4. S

    Help Please, Chicken with head injury...

    My 8 week old chick accidentally found its way into the "Big Chicken Coop" :( My babies free range in the afternoon and I have no idea how it happened, but when I found her she was in the corner of the coop hiding her head and neck and on deaths door. It was horrible and I was in shock, as was...
  5. MatthewsHomestead

    Ripped vent! Please help!

    I bought three new chicks today. Two blue Ameracauna and a blue/black split. The split is 2 wks and the blues are almost 4 mos. I left them together long enough to make a tsc run and back. When I got back, the split had literally been split! The blues had pecked off her back and some wing...
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