pecking each other and seeming to like it

  1. C

    Continuous and reoccurring feather lost- Help about to give up on the girl

    We have a Barred Plymouth Rock 4-5 months old, who came as a ready-to-lay to us in June. On the trip from the hatchery, one her 3 casemates badly de-feathered her. No blood, but really raw. We got gave “Henible Lecture” to a friend with roosters and separated “Pepper’ from the other 6 hens we...
  2. veggiebe

    My sweet Lily is actually a Lionel...

    I am a new chicken mama and have three chicks I have raised from "chickhood" and one a chicken that my boyfriend already had and then we recently adopted and older hen from a neighbour who is changing from egg layers to meat chickens. Two of the ones I am raising are Chanteclers, the other is...
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