
  1. J

    Silver duckwing Bantam daily layer

    my pullets became hens three weeks ago. My flock is 3 WLH, 3 SxL-C, 3 SxL-BC, 1 SB-Bntm and a SDW-Bntm. I have consistently gotten a cream peewee egg every day from my SDW bantam hen. I am concerned because her breed is not a heavy layer from what I've been reading. I have them on leyena pro...
  2. CaramelKittey

    My First Peewee Duck egg!

    Hi! This morning, my younger sister was collecting the eggs when she found a peewee Duck egg! She ran over to me with it and showed me how small it was! Has anybody else gotten a peewee Duck egg? Do you have photos of it? I would love to see them! Here is a photo of our first peewee Duck egg!
  3. MotherOfChickens

    Egg Size

    I was reading to see what the egg size is considered to be by the weight of the egg. My Australorps lay eggs over 62 grams and I read that those are considered extra large eggs. I read that Speckled Sussex lay large eggs. Well, I have a Speckled Sussex who has been laying for almost a month...
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