polish silver laced

  1. PisstartTheGroot

    2 year old Polish hen, diarrhea??

    Most of it is like clear goop. I saw Tractor standing out in the yard and she looked kinda scrunched up, the way chickens do when they’re not doing well. She did struggle when I picked her up tho as she hates being handled. She does have mites but I’m going to dust her in a hot minute. No...
  2. KikiDeAnime

    Polish Thread

    I didn't see a thread for Polish so I decided to create one. Post your photos & stories of your Polish below! We currently own 2 Golden Laced, 2 Buff Laced, and 1 White Crested Black. 3 cockerels and 2 pullets. We have a large flock but this is how many Polish we own.
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