raspy duck

  1. N

    3 day old duckling with raspy voice

    I have a 3 day old duckling. It’s voice sounds very raspy but I don’t hear any problems with it’s breathing or anything. It’s voice just sounds raspy. And considering the duck is only 3 days old it can’t be from transitioning to a “chirp to a quack”. Is this something I should be concerned about?
  2. C

    Duck lost his voice/ is raspy

    Okay, so let me give you some background first. We have a 5 year old wood duck who we believe may have contracted aspergillosis (we aren’t sure how, his pin is spotless, we use sand for flooring and food is changed twice a day.) after we found him super raspy one day. We have not definitively...
  3. B

    Duck wheezing

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