self sufficient goals

  1. Tyrannosaurus_Pecks89

    I would like a rooster 🐓

    *** Important Edit: I am looking for solutions not a 101 lesson on chicken keeping (which I have been doing successfully for 5 years). I am also not looking for Goody-two-shoes whining at me for not following the local zoning rules. If you comment without helpful solutions; expect me to be...
  2. NinjaGamer2022

    Can I naturally provide minerals for mini and dwarf goats?

    I would hope to in the future own mini and/or dwarf goats and self sufficiently provide their feed and minerals. Info greatly appreciated.
  3. Jannalifeday

    Shalom! First time poster

    Hello! My name is Janna, also known as JC1776. I am a Torah Observant Hebrew Roots Christian, a wife, mother of 3 grown boys (but I'm still young!), and a Registered Nurse for a Christian nonprofit providing free Healthcare to those without insurance. My husband, KC and I are shepherds of...
  4. Weetamoo93

    Eight week evaluation of dual purpose birds

    I have seven Partridge Plymouth Rocks, six pullets and one cockerel, that are the small beginnings of what I intend to be a dual purpose breeding project. Long term goals are a self sufficient system that provides all our eggs and meat. My seven birds are from a big hatchery, so I'm sure there...
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