sexing barred rocks

  1. Imprezznu

    3 baby Roos?!

    We got 4 pullets from Wilco last Wednesday. 2 barred and 2 black sex links. We are first time chicken owners and just watched videos on how to sex the chicks by looking at their wings. We just looked and I think we ended up with 3 Roos…. 🤦🏼‍♀️ We wanted all hens and now only seems like we have...
  2. heartsandwings

    Sexing 5 wk old Barred Rocks & Wyandottes

    I have 4-5 week old chicks (4 barred Plymouth rocks and 1 blue gold laced Wyandotte) They came sexed but it isn't 100% so I have been trying to figure it out myself. I had 2 wyandottes but one (Milly) passed away. Wyandottes are one of my favourite breeds so I really hope my remaining...
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