#sexing6weekoldchicks #genderguess #6weekold

  1. thronesandroses

    Updated Photos: three 6-week old roosters?!

    One of our hens hatched 3 chicks a little over 6 weeks ago. They are ayam cemani and leghorn mixes. Unfortunately today they all started fighting and drew blood so I had to separate them all in different pens for the day. Are all 3 roosters, or are they just maturing faster because they are...
  2. thronesandroses

    Roosters or Hens - 6 weeks old. Are all 3 roosters?!

    One of our chickens went broody and ended up surprising us with 3 new chicks! They are 6 weeks old in two days. I’ve read that at 6 weeks hens shouldn’t have a very developed comb or wattle, but all 3 of these do! Is it possible/likely at all 3 are roosters, or is this normal? We would be very...
  3. K

    Any guesses on my 6 week old chicks gender?

    Trying to guess my chicks genders, they are 6 weeks old and I'm new and keep changing my mind about what they could be lol. Thanks guys
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