
  1. B

    Chicken coop signs?

    I often see coops with signs of various kinds usually Fresh Eggs or some thing to that effect. Do any of you have a sign on your coop? Here is mine:
  2. Diveks

    Not sure what day these eggs are at

    So, after one of the parent bird died suddenly i have taken in some lovebird eggs. I do have experience on handfeeding baby birds but i usually know when they were laid unlike this time. They are all at different stages of development too :th. does anyone know the signs of an egg going into...
  3. Signs  you have a broody hen

    Signs you have a broody hen

    Do I have a broody hen? I remember getting extremely excited every time my hen Dora slept in her nest. I thought she was a broody. But no. The next morning there was a gigantic pile of poop that needed cleaning up. So how do you know if your hen is broody? You find your hen sleeping in her...
  4. Tiken

    What are some signs my chick is sick?

    I want to know what are normal temps for chicks and what are some signs they are not feeling good? Is it a good idea to mix just a bit of medicated feed with regular feed to be pro active? I just want to be prepared and know about it before it happens so I am not hopeless when it is happening...
  5. ChickenGirl555

    Question About Egg Laying...

    I'm expecting 1 or 2 of my chickens to lay soon. I entered my pullets' birthdate in a calculator website or something, and it said they would lay around February 14th. One of my EEs, Robin, is now nicknamed, "Loud Mouth" because of how much she loves to 'talk', and it's like one of my Barred...
  6. CapricornFarm

    Wood Burning Signs

    Just started a new hobby , making signs and wood burning in letters. Kind of fun. Never had one as a kid.
  7. Bumblefoot treatment.

    Bumblefoot treatment.

    Here is what you will need to help your chickens with bumblefoot: Bath Towel Clean kitchen sink Gloves Epsom Salt Neosporin or Duoderm Gel Vetericyn Duoderm GFC (available online or at your local medical supply store) Vet Wrap Medical Tape Fill the sink with about a gallon of warm water and...
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