
  1. O

    Need speaker

    I am the Coordinator of the Oakridge Public Library. I would like to arrange a Library presentation re: Keeping Backyard chickens and would like a speaker referral...please respond to [email protected] Please help and thank you. Georgeanne Samuelson
  2. Rondack

    Chickens and music

    A few months ago I heard of a study done with plants and music. The plants reacted differently to each type of music: Rock: growing away from the speaker, Classical: growing towards the speaker. I tried it with my favorite Aurocana Chicken. Whenever I play classical music the chicken sat calmly...
  3. DavidFromGlenEden

    hova bator inference with any speakers.

    Hi BYC, I have 2 hova bator 1602n (incubator and hatcher) that runs simultaneously. Each times the heater turns off it interferes with the speaker of the radio and the speakers of the TV's media system. Even though the speakers are more than 10 metres/yard away (say the incubators are in the...
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