stages of growth

  1. sjhart18

    Quail eggs in different stages of development

    I'm probably jumping the gun because it's only day four, but I have a pretty powerful egg candler and of my 16 coturnix eggs I can see clear vasculature in 3, darkening in 5 more, and then some eggs that are barely not glowing, but still not as far along. They're spread throughout the incubator...
  2. electrycmonk

    retroactive growth of flock

    So when my Better-half kinda-asked-kinda-decoding in the early spring if it was finally a good time to get some chicks.... I think I said something akin to 'sure, why not?' and off to our local feed mill & TSC we went...... She has at least a few Gig of pics & Vid's of them from day one to...
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