sterilizing coop

  1. WildPrimal

    Should you sterilize your coop before adding new chickens to the flock?

    Hello everyone I am new to this website! I have been reading that you should sterilize your coop before introducing new chickens into your flock. I currently have three, 3 month old Rhode Island Red pullets and 4 Barred Rock chicks. The Rhode Island Reds are outside in my large wooden backyard...
  2. Jessie Marie

    Hen might have Marek's disease? Worried about baby chicks I already bought before I knew.

    I have had chickens for several years now. My first three were gifted to me by my mother in law. Two have since died - one kept getting sick, hand an impacted crop and then finally couldn't walk anymore and I put her down. The other had HUGE tumors in her abdomen and we put her down as well. The...
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