
  1. MotherClukr

    Chick's unusual STINK!!

    Hello, all! I have a 6 week old salmon faverolle female chick that STINKS! And I'm not talking a normal animal stink. This one has a very sour smell. She is in good health--eats and drinks well, very active, clean vent, normal crop, clean mouth, etc. She's been stinky since her feathers started...
  2. cluckkatie

    Sulfur Eggs?

    My eggs smell like sulfur and urine, especially when I cook them... I don't eat these ones because I fear that it will taste like sulfur or that these eggs are contaminated. How do I get rid of this sulfur smell? Are there certain foods I should be giving them to improve the smell? Right now...
  3. Tac01711

    Coop floor, flies, poop, and stank

    Hello BYC.. we have a new coop that is fairly large and a pain to scrape and completely replace all the bedding, we have been using pine shavings but the poop becomes so unreal within a week or 2 and I replace everything inside the coop. But recently it got a lottle wet because of the waterer...
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