sudden aggression

  1. kasfluv

    My hen is suddenly mean!!

    I have two hens. One hatched and raised the other. The “baby” is now 13 months old, the “mom” is 3 -3 1/2 years old. All has been great until about 3 weeks ago when the mom started attacking the baby. No blood has been shed - but feathers have gone flying! I now have them separated - but the...
  2. Eggin 'Em On

    Three 18 mos. hens suddenly agressive to one

    Hi, I have 4 hens, all 18 months. 2 Americaunas, 1 Buff Orpington, 1 Australorp. Their living situation is great, lots of room, no pests, plenty good quality food, water, THEY ARE LIVING THE GOOD LIFE. Last week 3 went nuts and started pecking the #!$@ out of the poor Australorp (Cora). She...
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