turkeys with chickens

  1. DesertPollos

    Turkey injured from chicken

    I integrated my new broad breasted white into my chicken flock (all hens) last week. I have 10 hens. The turkey is a girl too. Getting along was great the first several days, but now they’ve turned on her. Her wing was injured yesterday and she has a few bloody peck marks on her neck. Is this...
  2. Pastors Chicks

    Turkey Problems and Fixes

    We have raised turkeys for about six years now. The first four years we bought them with new laying hens or meat chickens and raised them together. However, someone strongly advised us to not raise them together because they can pass viruses to one another. So last year we separated them. The...
  3. Squeak61

    Keeping turkeys with chickens?

    Hey guys! Because I am a crazy chicken lady, obviously I’ve been planning out my spring 2019 chick order. However, I’ve been wanting turkeys for quite some time, and I’m interested in adding some to my homestead. But after some research I am scared half to death! The idea of blackhead is very...
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